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Ever hear someone use a word over and over and over again and wish it you could just banish it from the English language? Well, thanks to Lake Superior State University, now you can! Refer to their handy dandy 2008 Banished Word List and wave the thing around like a flag the next time your irksome cubicle mate says, “with the right word smithing, we can produce a sweet webinar with organic results that will decimate the competition and give back to the post-9/11 community. ” And if they ignore you, well, back in the day, we would just throw them under the bus, I mean, it is what it is. Probably a good idea to check previous year lists, too, as you may be guilty of using words long past their expiration date. At this point in time, the lists date as far back as 1976, how macho! You can also submit a word for banishment, which I am very excited about.

If you are brave enough to check out their complete list, you may come away wondering if there are any safe words left in the English language. Well, to be totally honest with you, in my humble opinion, I see what you are saying and I feel your pain, but don’t even go there. Whoomp, there it is!